Measuring Success

Child at a table reading a book

Part of the Programme for Government

ECALM is part of the Programme for Government and as such SLIC are required to report back to the Scottish Government on its success and impact. The data collected by SLIC will also help to identify best practice around ECALM. To allow for ongoing evaluation of the programme it is essential that all authorities report on the same indicators. All 32 authorities are required to record and submit the following baseline data to SLIC each quarter.

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Library Membership for 0-4 years; 5-11 years and 12-15 age categories

Active Membership across the same age groups – using the CIPFA definition of being active within the last 12 months

The number of new memberships registered via the birth registration appointment should also be recorded and submitted therefore it is important that there is a way of tagging ECALM memberships on the Library Management System.

Services are required to nominate a contact who is responsible for submitting the required data to SLIC. Data should be submitted via the Members Login Section

Children reading books while sitting
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