Create the conditions

Key actions for success
These actions will create the conditions necessary to successfully embed ECALM in children and young people’s library services and deliver a more consistent and sustainable approach across Scotland. They have been drawn from observations and feedback received during site visits to libraries across Scotland and through consultation with key delivery partners.
- 1Embed ECALM in library service improvement plans to underpin the core library offer for children across Scotland.
- 2Designate an ECALM champion in each authority who is responsible for the development of the ECALM offer.
- 3Strengthen advocacy and develop partnership agreements and data sharing protocols where applicable with key delivery partners.
- 4Develop a strong digital offer for children and families with a simplified online joining process.
- 5Embed key messaging around ECALM and library membership and usage in Bookbug sessions and all other children’s activities and programmes.
- 6Set ambitious targets for ECALM sign ups and report on a set of core measures that are consistent across all 32 authorities.
- 7Participate in an annual promotion of ECALM during libraries week, with a national sign up to the library day.
- 8Adopt the National Delivery Pathway for ECALM.
- 9Promote library as a free service which offers equity.
- 10All services to offer membership at birth registration.