Ante-Natal & Birth

Why engage at early years stage

Why engage at Ante-Natal & Birth stage?

To reach all families and to highlight the benefits of library membership at the earliest stage it is vital that key messaging about library membership is delivered at the ante-natal stage. This can be delivered alongside existing messaging around Bookbug. It will ensure that there is consistent messaging for families about the benefits that library membership can deliver for the whole family, how it support other national programmes, and pave the way for a universal offer of library membership at the birth registration appointment.

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The ante-natal period provides a good opportunity for libraries to engage with parents about ECALM. By raising awareness at this stage, parents will be better prepared when library membership is offered at birth registration. Parents are more likely to take in information about the benefits of library membership at this stage than at a birth registration appointment. Hearing this key message from a midwife, health visitor or family nurse and then by the registrar means that parents are being made aware of the benefits of library membership at the earliest opportunity.


The birth registration appointment offers the most effective way of reaching all parents and once established offers a sustainable approach. Successful partnerships between libraries and registrars depend on good communication between the two services and a shared understanding of the goals of ECALM. Agreement on a clear and simple procedure, and one that places convenience for parents at the centre, is also key to success. Advocacy documents which can be used to engage with registrars and parents can be found in the resources section.

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